The SEO Team in Sydney Attends SEO MozCon in Seattle – Part 2: Content Tips for the Best ROI
SEO MozCon in Seattle 2012
SEO Content Tips for the Best ROI
In case you haven’t heard, the team at SEO Agency attended SEOmoz’s MozCon conference in Seattle earlier this year. It was a highly successful event, with over 800 digital marketing and SEO professionals in attendance, all of whom were keen to share some fantastic ideas about the future of SEO.
Last month we gave you some valuable insights on what Paddy Moogan had to say about Link Building; This week, we’re diving into SEO mastermind Cyrus Shepard’s thoughts on content strategies that produce high ROI. ‘Return on Investment’ is a term that’s constantly mentioned in relation to SEO and as Cyrus reminds us, there are certain content habits we can employ to really boost our SEO ROI:
1. Don’t Underestimate Google+
Google+ has come under a lot of fire since its launch in June 2011. While many view Google+ as yet another social network (and in some cases, Google’s attempt to take over some social media market share), Cyrus explains that Google+ is significantly related to search and SEO, mainly because its content is indexed regularly (like a normal website).
So, as SEO professionals, we should be utilising Google+ (and not simply Twitter and Facebook) to create valuable profiles, posts and Author photos that will all get indexed and which will flow back into improving SEO.
How to track? Cyrus suggested the tool All My Plus to measure your Google+ success.
2. Beware of Infographics
A short time ago, infographics were thought to be “next big thing.” Now, these nifty creations are being “overplayed” and are suffering maltreatment at the hands of those who are keen to boost their links by producing poor quality infographics (now that we think about it, didn’t this happen with SEO articles, too?). As a result, Cyrus gives SEO professionals two key suggestions when approaching infographics:
1) Don’t use widgets for embed; if someone pinches your content, use reverse search to find it again
2) Don’t link infographics to your home page if you use an embed code
3. Love eBooks
In place of infographics comes the all-mighty eBook. According to Cyrus, eBooks are invaluable when it comes to link building and improving SEO. This is essentially because eBooks (rather than infographics) are: easy to write, inexpensive to create, long lasting in terms of information (whereas infographics are only valuable for a short time) and can be repurposed in future for blogs and webinars etc. eBooks also tend to attract a higher quality of links and can be featured in eBook directories.
4. Forget Press Releases… Unless You’ve Got Something Good to Say
Like infographics, press releases can sometimes be as beneficial to SEO as shoes on an elephant. Cyrus guestimates that only 1% of press releases actually generate worthwhile links; the other 99% risk damaging rankings because the content is duplicated on a number of low-quality sites and is usually accompanied by exact-match links.
Instead, Cyrus advises using press releases to actually announce important things about your business (not simply to enhance SEO). These “important” things can exist in the way of
- newsworthy announcement
- as promotions for new tools and content (software, tools, eBooks, reports, videos, charts) that adds value to the user experience or that serve to directly impact consumer engagement (giveaways, discounts)
How to create a great press releases? Cyrus suggests hiring a professional SEO copywriter.
5. Hmm… What About My Anchor Text?
Anchor text was once an all-important factor in rankings, but following the introduction of Google’s Panda and then Penguin algorithms, exact anchor text matches started to become less and less influential for SEO. Cyrus lists a range of other criteria that often overshadow anchor text when determining rankings, such as contextual analysis, keyword proximity, term weighting, title tags, relevance, inbound links and author authority.
While we shouldn’t go crazy trying to master all of these on-page factors, we should at least pay attention to some of them instead of focusing solely on exact match links to boost our SEO.
What else did the team at our SEO Agency learn at from SEOmoxz at MozCon? Simply get in touch with us today for a confidential chat or review our SEO services.
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