Gotye, A Recruiter I Used to Know
Some Recruiter I Used To Know
(Gotye – “Somebody I Used To Know” Parody)
For anyone in the recruitment industry, or for that matter, anyone looking for a job, this video is absolute GOLD! It’s a classic from both perspectives. I won’t be biased, but in the times of the worst Australian recession, I was looking for job. Hey I met some good recruiters, but I also met some bad ones. It’s a tough industry, and to be honest the recruiters that survive are the ones that really care about the people they are looking to place.

recruiter viral video
There are still a couple I speak to, as of this day, and this if often by accident. I recently called a client with a similar name and got a recruiter instead! You know who you are! I even left a few messages before I realised. Oh, you didn’t call me back?! Anyway, she was great and one of the gems in the industry.
A True Recruitment Story
Recently a friend was set to take a job at a large financial institution via a recruitment firm. He bowed out at the last minute due to an alternative role.
However, what he did afterwards was unheard of. He went in person to the recruiters office and explained that he had an alternative offer. Later that day he received a text message from the recruiter saying that ‘NEVER in his recruitment career had he ever experienced anyone as professional and respectful’. Normally the recruiter gets a text message from the job searcher or they no longer take their calls!
So there you go…everyone has a heart!
It’s a tough gig trying to get a job, and then equally as hard to get someone hired. Finding an expert executive search consultant is pretty hard. My only thoughts are…. that if a recruiter had got me a job…. I would not be where I am today, and for that, I am very grateful!!
Credit to Adam King @doogfilm for this video, and we would love it to go viral, as it really is quite special!
Please share…
virginia cottrell
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