Here Come the Google Penguins! Time to Revise Your SEO

Revising Your SEO with Google’s Penguin Update  It’s no surprise that Google’s latest Penguin update, launched on April 24th, sent some serious waves through the Search Engine Optimisation community, throwing website owners, web marketers and SEO consultants into a spin. Although it may have been expected, following Google’s announcement to penalise sites that were focusing on over-optimisation, not to mention the Panda 3.5 update on April 19th, the Penguin algorithm... Read More

Google De-Indexes ‘Build My Rank’ – Is this the Death of Link Networks?

Google De-Indexes ‘Build My Rank’ It happened practically overnight – on March 19th, 2012, Google “de-indexed” the link building network ‘Build My Rank,’ with hints that it contained a large amount of unnatural links which were artificially manipulating search engine results. Despite Google’s history of targeting networks and sites that engage in backlink building and paid blogging, Build My Rank was surprised at the hit, noting in a release on their website: “It... Read More

Google’s Panda 3.3 and 3.4 – SEO The Updates

SEO Panda Update 3.3 & 3.4 With the recent developments at Google, including penalties for over-optimised websites and the de-indexing of Build My Rank, many SEO agency‘s and digital marketers are having to refine their SEO techniques in order to keep up with Google’s stringent yet constantly changing parameters. The latest refresh – unofficially dubbed Panda 3.4 – introduced this month, continues Google’s battle against poor-quality or SEO aggressive websites,... Read More