Gotye, A Recruiter I Used to Know
Some Recruiter I Used To Know (Gotye – “Somebody I Used To Know” Parody) For anyone in the recruitment industry, or for that matter, anyone looking for a job, this video is absolute GOLD! It’s a classic from both perspectives. I won’t be biased, but in the times of the worst Australian recession, I was looking for job. Hey I met some good recruiters, but I also met some bad ones. It’s a tough industry, and to be honest the recruiters that survive... Read More
How Search Works
How Does Google Search work? So this is probably one of the good news events from Google this year. Explained by Google in image form! How Does Google find pages from across the web, how does it relate to SEO, and how does it decide where to list them in search results? Google has created a new resource designed to answer your questions. It is a really cool interactive webpage, and kind of like an Infographic. It explains the search process, including... Read More